Posts Tagged ‘gas’

Man likes to think he’s so smart but in reality we are all just a bunch of raving, barbaric lunatics. BP should stand for Bloody Pathetic. All the most brilliant engineers in the world and they can’t even plug a damn hole. Ha! Tragically, the animals of the planet are always the ones to suffer. I don’t even like watching the news anymore. I just don’t want to see all the atrocities.
Between the new HST in Canada and half-wits ruining the planet, I feel sorry for the young people of today who really don’t have any say into what’s going on at all. Children should be seen but not heard. Unfortunally they are the one’s of the future who will have to deal with all the destruction. No wonder they are so depressed. Can you blame them? Antidepressants are making the pharmaceutical companies as rich as hogs.
I heard on the news yesterday that this new HST is going to be hitting home owners terribly and gas prices will go up again. Yeah, like that’s any surprise. As if it isn’t hard enough for young couples to make it and stay together.The government’s kick in the stomach isn’t helping matters any. Good people are losing their jobs and the divorce rate is the highest it has ever been.
God must be turning in his heavenly bed. No matter what your belief whether it be you reap what you sow, karma, or what goes around comes around, everything we do and say in our lifetime is recordered by a cosmic accountant. An equal reaction to the choices we make is going to hit us smack in the gluttonous arse. It’s coming, and it’s not going to be pretty.